Media, Publication & Communication
The communication department is the umbrella under which several other smaller departments organize. Departments that are under this department are; the Announcing Department, the Master of Ceremony Role and the Public Relations role. The Announcing Department; Every Sunday during service an announcer reads and introduces the church to any first time visitor and reads an announcement before the song ministration and then the preaching of the message. There are a maximum of six (6) announcers at every time with four of them rotating on a regular basis and two (2) operating as stand-by announcers. The announcers are coordinated by one announcer who schedules and coordinates their activities. Any new announcement to the church is channeled through the coordinator and if necessary the coordinator will undertake the other procedures necessary for it to be announced or will educate you on the procedures necessary. The Master of Ceremony: This is the role that is performed before the preaching of the word. When in church, you will find out that after the praise and worship, somebody (usually a Deacon) comes and lead us to acknowledge the presence of other congregants through hand shakes and embraces. He then introduces the Song Ministers. He may give some more announcements or bring the churches focus on an issue. That is the Master of Ceremony Department. There are only a select few in this department. Usually two (2) individuals, one (1) regular and the other serving as back-up. The PR Department: This department serves as the mouth-piece of the church to the public on issues that the church has to answer to the public. When there arises an issue in the church (which we always pray against anyway), we the members as much as we can should refrain from talking about it to the public since we may not know all that is going on and by taking to the public will just make matters worse and destroy God’s work and our beloved church. As much as we can we should allow this department to do the talking and save ourselves and the church any embarrassment. This department is made up of an individual and this is usually the Master of Ceremony or a designated Deacon Another department that is part of this ministry is the Media and Publications department. This Ministry involves itself with the task of providing all the printed, audio and other publication materials of the church. They may design and print or publish any church literary material or may use the services of other professional to achieve their goals. In performing their functions, they at times have to purchase equipment and other tools necessary for their activities. Publications such as church brochures, welcome forms, tithe and offering envelopes, thank you cards, messages on CD, messages on DVD and all other publications including devotional guides, websites, projector equipment are handled by this ministry. It is made up of few individuals who will be pleased to use any help. For more information contact the publications desk at church. Head of these Departments must submit their monthly progress reports to the Senior Pastor.